Articles Submission
Michimedia Limited publishes Baharini Magazine four times a year in print and online formats. The target audience for the magazine includes State ministries and departments, regulators, industry suppliers and distributors, researchers, transporters, engineers, bankers, Non-Governmental Organizations, international organizations, students and other stakeholders in the maritime sector .The publication is circulated through subscription to high-profile audiences.
Baharini magazine invites you to contribute articles for our first and future editions. Articles should reach the Editor not later than 25th February, 2024. The article should tackle issues ranging from mining, energy, shipping, transport and logistics, fishing and aquaculture, tourism and hospitality, education and research, and environment.
The articles must be well researched and written to appeal to our high-end readers in Kenya and beyond. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit and publish all articles submitted in line with our editorial policy. All articles should be in word document format, 700-1000 words, font type Times New Roman and font size 12.
Send your article today, and get a chance to feature in the magazine.